Notes From the Field

For the 2017-2018 academic year, C&A are proud to be revamping and relaunching the “Notes from the Field” section. The series of articles will be published on the C&A website and in our Section News for the AAA online AnthroNews column and it will be included in the AAA News weekly emails sent out by the Association. The column is a great forum for C&A members to share thoughts and test drive ideas on fieldwork-related topics through more accessible writing aimed at a wider audience. Contributions are welcome from all C&A members and should be 800-1,200 words long. We encourage accessible reflections on one of the following themes:

– The joys of fieldwork
– New (or old) methods that may be particularly relevant to research that is at times literally in a field
– The non-visual sensorium of fieldwork–i.e., the sounds, smells, and tastes of research
– Ethnography as a unique mode of knowledge production
– Ethical dilemmas and how you navigated them in or after the field
– Please also feel free to suggest your own theme–and perhaps some other contributors!

If you are interested in submitting a contribution, please email with “Notes from the Field” in the subject line and our editors will be in touch with more details.


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